
Thomas Jacob, Pathanamthitta 

” My ATM card was found missing from a week or more. I couldn’t find. lt created me a serious problem and cause of worry because my pin number also written on it. After my reiki 2nd level I decided to find it out with my own effort just to see the difference with,a
without Reiki Symbols. I got it within 3 minutes after I used the reiki symbols. This is a little little example how reiki is blessing us. Thanks to Reiki, Thanks to Amrithapadam….”

Hareesh, Perunthalmanna 

“I convey my heartful thanks to Guruji and Amrithapadam for Reiki healing. When I came to attend my Reiki 2nd stage at wadakkencherry, my right eye was blurred and filled with fluid.. My doctors asked me to do laser and close the leak. During the class, I approached guruji and presented the problem. I was shocked when I got the real solution and he asked me to do some ‘Kriyas’ continously. Before I couldnt read newspaper or whats app in the morning but now I can. Thank you guruji. Om guruve Namah…”

Harika USA 22-11-17

Amrithapadham received a healing message from first level channel Harika, USA.on 10-10.2017. Message her own words:

My condition:

Problem 1: “There is high pressure in the fluid around my brain and as a result I got a 2mm break in the bone that is in between brain and the right sinus. After receiving reiki for 7 days, the fluid stopped leaking into the right sinus, but I still have pressure in the head and as a result I have pain in neck , shoulders and upper right arm. If the pressure is not solved, there is a possibility that I can get a leak again or I can go blind. The doctor prescribed medicine for the pressure, but the medicine has lot of side effects like kidney stones etc. The doctor said if the pressure is not regulated with the medicine and if there is danger to my eyesight, they will put a shunt in my body. Shunt is a thin tube which connects the spine to the stomach and it drains the excess fluid. With shunt there is possibility
of infection and constant surgeries.”

Problem 2: “I am not getting periods and as a result we don’t have kids yet. My periods were alwaysirregular, I don’t ovulate regularly. Until 2015 if I take hormone tablets (provera) I used to get period. In October 2015, I had a uterus condition where my lining was very very thick , so I was given hormones(progesterone) for 1 year. After this, even if I take provera, I am not getting period, but my
uterus lining is decreasing. I have pcod(poly cystic ovarian syndrome/disease) which means if I am given high dose of medication of ovulation, I will have too many eggs produced. I request reiki healing.”

“After 15 days Amrithapadham Reiki healing , We get a 2nd message from Harika, on 26.10.2017. I thank Amritapadam, guruji, Girija madam , Valsala madam for the support and teaching me Reiki. About two months back I was diagnosed with a leak where the fluid surrounding my brain is draining into right sinus and high pressure in the fluid surrounding the brain. After the scan and MRI, They suggested me a surgery. I scheduled date for the surgery. After 14th day of my self Reiki, my leak stopped but I had tremendous neck and shoulder pain. I got attuned to Reiki 1 and 70% is the pain in the neck and shoulders had reduced. I kept practicing Reiki on myself and take Reiki healing for another 21 days. I had a scan a week back and my sinuses were clear and doctor said I was born with a gap in the bone that could be congenital. Later, I got attuned to Reiki 2 level and now I practice Reiki regularly on myself. My surgery got cancelled because the doctor did not see a reason why I should have surgery. Thanks Reiki and Amrithapadham… I have some other health issues and I am hopeful that Reiki can help me along the way. I cannot be thankful enough for Reiki.”

Aswin Rajesh, UK

“I am a System manager in an IT Company.my company gave me a project work , which is precious to company because through which my company will expand some other countries. I completed my project but unfortunately my laptop met some trouble, I couldn’t. Submit my project report. It is the last day of submitting. My Company will met a big lose and fame. My Career also.My mother is a reiki channel. I request a reiki support.She ask Amrithapadham Guruji for help. He told her to convey the message “be calm.wait for 10 minutes and then open the system. It will be ok.”After 10 minutes I opened the lap and it became clear. I send my project report. The next second it get the same problem and shutdown. That laptop is not in a repairing stage.With that project My company get a high financial range , the same time to me a promotion with salary and upgradation to higher post.. Thanks reiki… Thanks Amrithapadham…”

Shafeeq, Thrissur

“I am working in UAE for Several years as a truck driver. I suffer from severe pain in spine and hips.After a long treatments no result I resigned my job and returned home, here also I take English and Ayurvedic treatments but failed. I can’t walk or sit long time because of pain and stiffness. one day my friend suggested me to take reiki healing and Amrithapadham reiki centre. I consult Amrithapadham. They gave reiki healing. After 3 days of healing I get rid of my pain and stiffness. I can sit and walk now.Through 5 days reiki healing I started my bike journey a long period of 5 years. I am very happy now. Reiki lead me a new life… I request to my company to allow me to join and renew my job visa.They agreed and it is in processing stage.I hope I can join there without any delay. Thank god !!! Thanks Reiki…I always grateful to Amrithapadham and Guruji..Thanks all..”


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